

Note: Reindex backend as a service has been discontinued. The documentation is kept here for reference.

Reindex is a backend as a service for React apps. With Reindex you can build mobile and web apps without time consuming backend development. We provide the storage with a GraphQL API, so you can concentrate on shipping amazing apps to your users.

Reindex integrates seamlessly with Relay, the JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications. Together with Relay and other open source tools for GraphQL, Reindex provides a great developer experience: instead of writing complex logic for data fetching and mutations, you can write declarative queries and the framework handles the complex details.

Initial steps

Tutorial goes through creating a Reindex, Relay and React TodoMVC web application.

  1. Setup: configuring reindex-cli and reindex-starter-kit-react
  2. Defining the schema: creating schema, performing queries with GraphiQL
  3. Displaying todos: displaying data in your React/Relay app
  4. Adding mutations: performing Relay mutations
  5. Deployment: deploying your app to a static site hosting
  6. Authenticating users: setting up Google API as a authentication provider for your app’s users

Detailed guides

Useful tools

Starter kits and examples



Note: Reindex backend as a service has been discontinued. The documentation is kept here for reference.

Reindex is a backend as a service for React apps. With Reindex you can build mobile and web apps without time consuming backend development. We provide the storage with a GraphQL API, so you can concentrate on shipping amazing apps to your users.

Reindex integrates seamlessly with Relay, the JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications. Together with Relay and other open source tools for GraphQL, Reindex provides a great developer experience: instead of writing complex logic for data fetching and mutations, you can write declarative queries and the framework handles the complex details.

Initial steps

Tutorial goes through creating a Reindex, Relay and React TodoMVC web application.

  1. Setup: configuring reindex-cli and reindex-starter-kit-react
  2. Defining the schema: creating schema, performing queries with GraphiQL
  3. Displaying todos: displaying data in your React/Relay app
  4. Adding mutations: performing Relay mutations
  5. Deployment: deploying your app to a static site hosting
  6. Authenticating users: setting up Google API as a authentication provider for your app’s users

Detailed guides

Useful tools

Starter kits and examples